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Andise Altine

Board Member and Special Programs Manager of the Serge Alphonse Gifting Fund

Hello, I am Andise Altine, and I’m passionate about Serge Alphonse Gifting Fund. As a board member at Kham’s House, I have the privilege of helping to choose the most deserving candidates for this gifting fund. With a background in social work and business, I bring some experience in communicating well with the community. My journey has been shaped by my own experience working in corporate America, experiencing business gains and losses, I’ve also experienced the loss of loved ones that help me relate to those who have also felt loss.

At Khams House, we are dedicated to fill in the gaps that will help family in need of shelter while experiencing hardship going through medical treatment. It is my firm belief that people should do their best to help each other when in need. When going through hardship, feeling alone should be the least of their worries.

In my role, I am committed, and I am driven by the desire to making life easier for the loved ones in my life and being a great example to them. I believe I am my brother’s keeper. It is this belief that propels me to aid to the best of my ability and educate my fellow man in need.

Outside the professional realm, I enjoy the social life, such as concerts, festivals, and the art world of all kinds in any city. It is in these moments that I make great connections and the best way to get to know the community I’m in.

Feel free to connect with me on social media or email. I am always open to discussions, collaborations, and shared insights.

Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to putting new smiles on new faces with you.

Andise Altine

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